Together – TOwards a cultural understandinG of thE οΤΗΕR – 2020-2022
The project Together was born of the need to create and disseminate know-how about intercultural dialogue between EU countries and non-European countries. Intercultural dialogue is based on shared values emerging from the cultural heritage of different countries and has the potential to strengthen the sustainable development of local communities.
- Transnational cooperation of partners between EU countries but also beyond European territory.
- Contribution to the integration of intercultural dialogue in the cultural development of local communities.
- Training of representatives of local actors and bodies to become “ambassadors” of intercultural dialogue.
- Develop original educational processes using digital tools.
Funding programme: € 49.690 Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
IO1 – The Comparative Analysis Report
IO2 – The Ambassadors Curriculum
IO4 – Intercultural Dialogue Guidebook