METAYOUTH – Aligning youth, parents and teachers for resilient participation in Metaverses – 2022-2024

METAYOUTH is a 24-month Erasmus+ project that aims at providing activities for middle and high school students, parents and teachers to be prepared for safe participation in metaverse spaces


  • Promote intergenerational alignment between students, parents and teachers in ways that they will be prepared for safe and resilient participation in metaverses.
  • Develop a school-oriented pedagogical approach a structured toolkit for preparing parents, teachers and children for the metaverse, based on the DigiComp Framework and the “Digital Competence Wheel”, and on co-creation and simulated methods.
  • Increase cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation on digital resilience and preparation for the metaverses.


Funding programme: € 37.000 Erasmus+ programme of the European Union



Digital Teacher Trainer Guide

Digital Parent Trainer eGuide


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