Center of Greek and Arabic Literature and Culture – K.EL.A.L.P. – 2020

The Center of Greek and Arabic Literature and Culture (K.EL.A.L.P.) was created in 2020 as a new, autonomous initiative under the aegis and operational support of CulturePolis.

The aim of K.EL.A.L.P. is to promote and strengthen an open to all study of the two cultures to better understand “what unites us, rather than what separates us” through research, analysis, discussion, and dialogue, as well as targeted actions and programmes to inform/raise the awareness of experts and the public on Greek and Arabic literature, poetry and language.


  • Contribution to the design and implementation of national and European works, to which CulturePolis participates as a lead partner, which are related to books, philanagnosia, intercultural dialogue, language and literature themes, such as Together TOwards a cultural understandinG of thE οΤΗΕR (ERASMUS+), READ-IN-CLUB: READ-INg for CuLtUres across Borders (ERASMUS+) and One thousand and one…gatherings (Ministry of Culture and Sports).
  • Organising among other activities a series of thematic meetings such as the cycle “Meetings of Greek and Arab Poets” with themes such as “The Mediterranean and its Story”, “From Another Place”, “ Women in the Greek-speaking and Arabic-speaking Poetry”.


€ Self-financing


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Consultation with tourism and culture decision-makers and entrepreneurs – 2020
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A4EUS – Action 4 Europe of Solidarity – 2020-2021