Cultural organisations collaboration network

Cultural Organisations Collaboration Network – 2008-2012

This is a redevelopment of the “Get Culturally Connected” initiative in conjunction with the then attempt to create Cultural Antennas for its expansion in various regions of Greece with a view to creating a “Cultural Organisations Col­laboration Network’’ to seek co-operation, etc. Its aim was the general networking between cul­tural and social actors. 

Read more Cultural Organisations Collaboration Network – 2008-2012

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Cultural Identities and European Citizenship – 2006

The action “Cultural Identities and European Citizenship” was a European regional initiative for culture in the Ionian Islands and historically the first international meeting of the then newly founded Citizens Union “Europe of Cultures Forum: Adriatic-Ionian Chapter”, which is today’s CulturePolis

Read more Cultural Identities and European Citizenship – 2006