Veni Vidi Comedi: Cooking for Europe 2012-2013

Veni Vidi Comedi was a project on food, designed for students, young professionals at the start of their careers, employees, unemployed people looking for work and generally for people moving at a fast pace. It was related to the development of a sustainable practice around European culinary culture adapted to a fast society, through a practical autonomy and DIY approach (Do It Yourself), which links daily nutrition to gastronomy and a healthy lifestyle.


  • A healthy and sustainable food culture aimed at contributing to the cultural integration of young people in Europe through the movement of various international gastronomic practices.
  • A website containing a reference to a database where users can browse or search for fast, healthy and delicious recipes throughout Europe.
  • Creating a community around food culture.
  • List of dishes and recipes in the participating countries.


Funding programme: € 18.000 Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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Corfu Gastronomy Club – 2011-2013