READ-IN-CLUB – READ-INg for CuLtUres across Borders – 2021-2023

READ-IN-CLUB was a project where the art of literature and the institution of reading clubs combined with the power of digital technology were seen as enablers of informal learning and dialogue, creating an environment of culture that encourages creativity and innovation. The project aimed at workers in the book sector who organize and coordinate the operation of reading clubs or other educational activities related to literature.


  1. Cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation of project partners.
  2. Strengthening the educational value of reading clubs for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue, especially since the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Strengthen the professional skills of the reading club coordinators and their mobilization to become intercultural dialogue mediators.
  4. Develop a platform to digitize the functions of the reading clubs.


Funding programme: € 37.579 Erasmus+ programme of the European Union



IO1 – Research Report

IO2 – Virtual Training Seminars For Lit. Mentors

Reading for Cultures Across Borders – Read-In-Club E-Manual

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Spaces – Creating Spaces for Creativity – 2021-2023
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ENVISION – Culture and Creativity Sectors’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment in the Digital Era – 2021-2022