CulturePolis organizes its 2nd Roundtable Meeting for 2024 entitled “Mapping the Creative Skills Gap in Greece and Cyprus“.

19 September 2024

Online – *link soon to be announced

The meeting is inspired by the Creative Skills Week 2024 which is organized on 16-20 September 2024 in Amsterdam and online.

In an era of rapid technological advancement and evolving societal needs, the cultural and creative sector plays an increasingly pivotal role in shaping our collective identity, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. However, despite its significance, the sector faces numerous challenges, chief among them being the persistent skills gap.

The 2nd Roundtable focuses on addressing the skills gap prevalent within the Greek-speaking vibrant cultural and creative sectors. This event seeks to bring together key stakeholders from across academia, industry, government, and civil society to engage in a constructive dialogue aimed at identifying challenges, exploring opportunities, and catalyzing collaborative solutions.

Greece and Cyprus are renowned for their rich cultural heritage, artistic legacy, and creative talent. However, amidst this cultural wealth, there exists a critical need to bridge the gap between the skills demanded by the sector and those available in the workforce. As professionals seek to harness the potential of its cultural and creative industries for economic development and social cohesion, addressing this skills gap is paramount.

During this roundtable discussion, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Identify key skills shortages and mismatches within Greece’s and Cyprus’s cultural and creative sectors, spanning visual arts, performing arts, digital media, design, heritage preservation, and more.
  • Explore innovative approaches to skills development, including enhancing educational pathways, fostering diversity and inclusion, and leveraging digital technologies.
  • Share insights, best practices, and success stories from initiatives aimed at addressing skills shortages in cultural and creative industries across Europe.
  • Discuss the role of cross-sector collaboration, public-private partnerships, and policy interventions in strengthening the Greek-speaking cultural ecosystem.
  • Co-create actionable strategies and recommendations to bridge the skills gap and unlock the full potential of the cultural and creative sectors.

Together, we can build a more vibrant, resilient, and inclusive cultural landscape that celebrates Greek and Cypriot rich heritage and fosters creativity and innovation for generations to come.

Stay tuned for our next actions: