We’re thankfull for our annual Advisory Board meeting  that took place in  Athens, a cornerstone event for CulturePolis! This meeting is crucial for shaping our strategic direction and amplifying our impact. Our board’s insights and expertise help us design innovative strategies and expand our cultural initiatives.

See below our Advisory Board members:

  • Stefan Horn: CEO, urban dialogues Europe and Sub-Sahara Africa
  • Amin Nehme: President, Lebanese Development Network (LDN) Lebanon & MENA region

  • Anika Patregnani:  Architect, President Habitat World Founder and Executive Director of Biennale Habitat Director of IEP Italy Founder of the International Award “Mediterranean World Heritage” Board Member of Creativi Italiani Foundation EUROMED and MENA regions

  • Yannis Manolopoulos: Professor, Faculty Dean, Open University of Cyprus Greece & Cyprus